LIFT DSP Creative Policies


These policies don’t replace or alter your Lift DSP Insertion Order Terms - they are in addition to those terms.  If you do not agree to comply with such guidelines and requirements, you have no right to use the Lift DSP Demand Side Platform.  Lift DSP may update these policies from time to time.

Prohibited Creatives and Related Content

You cannot use ads that do any of the following (or link to any website or other online property that does any of the following):

  • Promote fireworks;
  • Promote electronic cigarettes or vaping devices;
  • Promote spray paint;
  • Promote etching cream;
  • Promote tanning services utilizing ultraviolet light;
  • Promote dietary products containing ephedrine group alkaloids;
  • Promote Salvia divinorum or Salvinorin A;                                            
  • Promote body branding;  
  • Promote permanent tattoos;
  • Contain nudity or suggestive content or images;
  • Promote adult products, including sex toys and sexual enhancers;
  • Promote online gambling;  
  • Promote adult-themed dating, escort services, “mail-order brides,” or similar services;  
  • Install spyware, trojans, viruses or other malware;        
  • Incite hatred of any race, religion, creed, class or ethnic group, or of any individual or group;   
  • Describe, depict, or glorify pain, suffering, torture, violence or death of or against humans or animals;
  • Sell or promote firearms, ammunition, bombs or other weapons, or related design materials, including handgun safety certificates and BB guns;
  • Sell or promote illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or ways to pass a drug test;   
  • Promote P2P file-sharing, torrent, or anything that facilitates or promotes copyright infringement;
  • Infringe intellectual property rights;
  • Violate any applicable law, regulation, governmental rule or court order
  • Contain profanity;
  • Promote hacking, cracking, or warez;
  • Promote any other products, services, or content that are illegal, promote harmful activity, or infringe on the rights of others. This includes sites that provide “how-to” information on bomb-making, lock-picking, and similar topics;
  • Sell or promote alcohol;
  • Sell or promote tobacco;
  • Promote online gambling;
  • Are misleading or contain content that is not reflective of what the user will find on the clickthrough URL;
  • Employ phishing techniques or seek to trick the user into providing sensitive information by misrepresenting the identity of the advertiser;
  • Contain audio that is triggered by anything other than a click (such as auto-play or rollover-initiated audio (only applicable to Display Banner Ads));
  • Contain annoying or distracting images, or excessive animation;
  • Initiate a download;
  • Automatically redirect the user to a new page or app;
  • Pop-up on a webpage, upon banner open, or upon page exit;
  • Expand beyond their original size;
  • Expand beyond their original size;
  • Mimic system errors or messages; and/or
  • Are unbranded.
Preapproval Required

You can only use the Lift DSP DSP for ads that do any of the following (or link to any website or other online property that does any of the following) if you have prior written approval from Lift DSP (email sufficing):

  • Sell or promote products related to sexual health, including condoms and birth control devices;
  • Promote or depict political or religious topics.      
Other Restricted Creatives and Related Content

If you are permitted to use the Lift DSP Demand Side Platform for ads related to alcohol, fantasy sports, or state lotteries, you are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and industry guidelines, including those that impose requirements related to the audience receiving such ads and those that require any notices to users regarding the legality of such ads in certain jurisdictions.

Clear Brand : Advertiser brand should be clear from the creative and must match the landing page.

Animation or Looping : Must not continue past 30 seconds.

In-Banner Audio: audio must be user-initiated. To allow for audio initiation in in-banner videos without player controls, a control may be included for user to initiate audio.

Strictly NO tags containing multiple advertiser creatives : ad tag must not contain more than one advertiser.

Strictly NO auto-redirects: ad must not redirect without user initiating the click action.

Strictly NO Malware: ad will be scanned for malware and any violation will result in termination of the campaign and account.


At Lift DSP’s sole discretion, Lift DSP may assess a surcharge for any violation of these policies and/or immediately terminate your access to the Demand Side Platform (in addition to any other legal or contractual remedies).  If Lift DSP assesses a surcharge, we will use our reasonable discretion to set the amount of the charge, taking into account the nature of the violation, the additional work and expense Lift DSP incurred in dealing with the violation, and the harm done to the Lift DSP Demand Side Platform, Lift DSP’s reputation and/or to other Lift DSP clients.  

Display Banner Ads

File Size : 200kb maximum file size per creative

Accepted Formats : JPEG ; GIF ; HTML5 ; Ad Server Tag - from approved vendor

Animation or Looping : Must stop at 30 seconds

In-Banner Audio : Audio must be user-initiated. To allow for audio initiation in videos without player controls, a control may be included for user to initiate audio.

In-Banner Video : Creative must include a video player.  Video may omit controls until user initiates interaction. Upon user interaction, video controls must include Play, Pause, Mute or volume control to zero (0) output for videos that expand out of initial ad upon interaction. For auto play videos that play in banner only Mute or volume control to zero(0) is required.

Defining ad space : Ad unit content should be clearly distinguishable from normal webpage content (ad unit should have clearly defined borders and not be confused with normal page content).

Accepted Display Banner Ad Sizes

300x250 - MPU

336x280 - Large Rectangle

120x600 - Skyscraper

160x600 - Wide Skyscraper

728x90 - Leaderboard

970x90 - Large Leaderboard

468x60 - Banner

980x120 - Panorama Banner

300x600 - Half Page

970x250 - Billboard

300x50 - Mobile Banner

320x50 - Mobile Banner

320x50 - Mobile Wide Banner

320x100 - Mobile Large Banner

320x480 - Mobile Interstitial

Video Ads

Video Length : 6, 15 or 30 seconds preferred

Accepted Formats : We support virtually all video assets. For best results we would encourage format use of MPEG4 Part 14. / .mp4

File Size : Max Total File Size Highest Quality Source (2Gb max)

Max FPS : 24 fps (23.97) 25 fps 30 fps (29.97)

Use DFP : No

Leaders (Slate) : No leaders (slate) before or after ad content

Accepted Video Ad Sizes

16:9 aspect ratio preferred (formatted for HD screens)

4:3 aspect ratio will be accepted

Please Note: The Lift DSP programmatic platform automatically converts your video creative into a range of formats and types so you can immediately start your video campaigns

General Notes (Apply to all ads)

Strictly NO creative tags containing multiple advertiser creatives : ad tag must not contain more than one advertiser

Strictly NO auto-redirects: ad must not redirect without user initiating the click action

Strictly NO Malware: ad will be scanned for malware and any violation will result in termination of the campaign


We accept HTML5 format creatives for use in the Lift DSP platform that adhere to the following specifications. Please follow them carefully.

If you have any specific questions please direct them to :

Please note: Any creatives received that do not adhere to the specifications will be rejected.

Content requirements
  • Click URLs / landing page URLs NOT to be embedded in the creative - these should be provided separately
  • clickTag variables should NOT be defined in the creative
  • Creative should NOT be wrapped in anchor tags
  • Creative must NOT expand out of their initial boundaries    
  • Your html file MUST be named index.html    
  • All supporting custom font/image/video assets should be included in the zip file and referenced relatively in the HTML, not referenced externally.
  • Libraries and generic scripts should be referenced externally and securely use the https:// protocol. (This does not include a click tag / landing page url as this should not be included at all)
  • Naming of folders inside each creative set should include the size for that creative in the form Width x Height : e.g. /300x250
File Size Limit
  • Should be no more than 200kb per creative. Shared CDN resources don’t count towards this total.
  • Assets should be compressed and as small as possible         
Zip File Contents Folder Structure

Each creative should be in it’s own folder - naming of the folders should include the size for that creative (in the form Width x Height) : e.g. creative_300x250

You can Zip one folder for uploading a single creative or multiple folders for uploading a set of creatives.


creative _300x250           /images           index.html

creative_ 728x90          /images           index.html

creative_160x600          /images           index.html

General Best Practices
  • HTML text should be used wherever possible instead of images
  • When using web fonts, consider sub-setting*
  • Sprite sheets should be used when there are several small assets in the creative      


PLEASE NOTE: Google / DoubleClick AdX requires all creative ad assets to be served securely (https) - If all elements within your HTML5 file are not secure you will not be able to run across this SSP.

3rd Party Ad Server Tags & Macro Implementation

Lift DSP supports the use of 3rd Party Ad Server Tags and Trackers from their approved list of vendors :  AdForm ; App Nexus ; Atlas ; Celtra ; ComScore ; Doubleclick ; Double Verify ; EyeBlaster / MediaMind / Sizmek ; Falk ; FlashTalking ; Integral Ad Science ;  Mediaplex ; Meetrics ; Open Ad Stream (24/7) / 24/7 RealMedia ; OpenX

If your Ad Server is not on this list please contact us for pre-approval at :

PLEASE NOTE: Google / DoubleClick AdX requires all creative ad server tags to be served securely (https) - If your tags and all elements within them are not secure you will not be able to run across this SSP.

Essential Macros
Click Macro and Cache Buster

It’s important for the success of your campaign that you implement our Click Macro. Please also insert our Cache Buster if your Ad Server Tag does not already contain one.  Click Macros are mandatory so please ensure the correct version is added to your tags.

${CLICK_URL}   = Click Macro  

${CLICK_URL_ENC}   = Click Macro (Encoded Version)

${CACHE_BUSTER}   = Cache Buster

Other Macros Available

We also have additional macros available that you can use to pull information from your campaign if required. These will also need to be placed in the correct places in your Ad Server Tags if you choose to use them so please contact your Ad Server for advice if necessary.

${PUBLISHER_ID} = SSP Publisher ID

${SELLER_NETWORK] = SSP Seller Network

${SITE_ID} = SSP Site Id

${REFERER_ENC} = Referring URL (URL Encoded version)

${CREATIVE_ID} = Creative Id

${GEO_COUNTRY} = Geo Country Name of User

${GEO_REGION} = Geo Region Name of User

${GEO_CITY} = Geo City Name of User


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